Note that the order of operations is important when transferring website files manually. The first thing you want to migrate is the database (this can be done through Adminer). Next, edit your wp-config.php file as it controls access between WordPress and the database (again, make a backup of the Job Function Email List file before editing it in case you need to Job Function Email List roll back the changes). You should update the wp-config.php file with the updated database name, username, and password.
Finally, you can upload the rest of your site's files, including files for themes and installed plugins. Just like using an FTP client such as FileZilla to Job Function Email List back up these files, you can use the FTP client to upload the files to the new environment by manually selecting the desired photos. panel If both old and new environments allow the Job Function Email List cPanel control panel, you can restore a full backup. Depending on the hosting company you work with, you may need to contact the support team for assistance.
Plug-in Manual transfers can be time-consuming, and not all users can rely on cPanel for backups and site migrations. Job Function Email List That's where plugins come in - there are plugins available to Job Function Email List help you move all of your site's files, including WordPress' own VaultPress, as well as Duplicator, All-in-One WP Migration, and UpdraftPlus. Step 4: Add Redirect After moving the files, you need to add redirects by editing the .htaccess file on the old domain.